Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Can Peter and Fi find what they are seeking?

The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi: Homecoming by Kelvyn Fernandes is the first book in a series that is an exciting fantasy twist. Peter Prescott is our main male character, who is a mage and is trying to help Fi, who is our main female character to get back home. The fantasy part is not only about the magic, and the way the kingdoms are, but with the creatures that inhabit their world.

Peter Prescott

Peter Prescott is the one we first see clearly in the book. He is a bubble mage, and I think it’s pretty cool. Peter was tasked to do a quest by his school, and so far, he has been sidetracked helping Fi. He is a pretty interesting character who doesn't talk about his past and doesn’t seem like he wants to go back to his task anytime soon. Peter is twenty-years-old and appears to be a bit conflicted throughout the book. Especially on the tasks that the two get sidetracked doing.


  • Peter is a bubble mage, and it's pretty cool how he can create the bubbles.

  • Is generous enough to help Fi get home even though that sidetracks him from his quest.

  • Tries to be helpful when they are about to get into trouble

  • Knows when to shut up.


Fi is a fascinating character. She has rabbit-like ears coming out of her head, and can run, and leap fast. Fi wants to return home for whatever reason that we don’t find out at all. We do find out that Fi is a chimera, and that is rare. Then again, some people are scared of her. Fi is only fourteen years old and has already lived a harsh life.


  • Fi is a survivor

  • She just wants to belong somewhere again

  • Wants to get home

  • To help Peter out in any way that she can.


The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi: Homecoming by Kelvyn Fernandes is a great first book to start the series off right. I can’t wait for the next book. The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi: Homecoming by Kelvyn Fernandes is a five-star rating and one that I want to recommend to all fans of fantasy out there. It’s different, but it's good.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi: Homecoming by Kelvyn Fernandes. 

Check out my interview with Kelvyn Fernandes and enter the giveaway, HERE.

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2019: Reviewed