What You Wish For by Katherine Center

What You Wish For

by Katherine Center

From the New York Times bestselling author of How to Walk Away comes a stunning new novel full of heart and hope.

Samantha Casey is a school librarian who loves her job, the kids, and her school family with passion and joy for living.
But she wasn’t always that way. 
Duncan Carpenter is the new school principal who lives by rules and regulations, guided by the knowledge that bad things can happen. 
But he wasn’t always that way. 

And Sam knows it. Because she knew him before—at another school, in a different life. Back then, she loved him—but she was invisible. To him. To everyone. Even to herself. She escaped to a new school, a new job, a new chance at living. But when Duncan, of all people, gets hired as the new principal there, it feels like the best thing that could possibly happen to the school—and the worst thing that could possibly happen to Sam. Until the opposite turns out to be true. The lovable Duncan she’d known is now a suit-and-tie wearing, rule-enforcing tough guy so hell-bent on protecting the school that he’s willing to destroy it.

As the school community spirals into chaos, and danger from all corners looms large, Sam and Duncan must find their way to who they really are, what it means to be brave, and how to take a chance on love—which is the riskiest move of all. 

With Katherine Center’s sparkling dialogue, unforgettable characters, heart, hope, and humanity, What You Wish For is the author at her most compelling best.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Sam had been abandoned by her father and found herself parentless after her mother's death. She longed for the love and safety of a "real" family and thought she had found that with Max and Babette, the founders of the Kempner School where she worked. However following Max's untimely death, her whole world was shaken up. Max was gone, Babette was grieving, and Sam's former crush, Duncan, was the new principal. But this wasn't the Duncan once adored by all, and Sam wasn't fond of this new version. And she was determined to help him restore his own joy before he ruined her school.

I discovered Katherine Center via Things You Save in a Fire, and I have gone on to read more of her books for one simple reason - they make me happy. I am guaranteed the warm and fuzzy feels from Center's books, and once again, she has filled my heart with warmth and joy.

Sam was a fantastic! Though her past was riddled with sadness, she kept pushing herself to seek happiness. She could have moped around and felt sorry for herself, but instead, she put on her clown socks and became an active part of her school's community. She made friends and some became her de facto family. She seemed to have a lust for life, however she deemed herself "broken" and denied herself love, all of which left my heart in pieces.

She may have thought she was broken, but she kept choosing joy. This was a beautiful idea that came up, time and time again, in this story. The idea that we can choose joy, and that we should fight for it when necessary. All of Center's books seem to have something that really speaks to my heart, and this time, it's this concept, which was so encouraging and uplifting.

Enter Duncan, a blast from her past, who also thought he was "broken". My heart was already brimming with emotion, but enter two "broken" people, and now it was spilling over. I loved seeing them come together, as Sam searched for the Duncan she knew. Like Sam's "truth", his made my heart ache, but Center mended it by helping these two find some peace with their past, as they forged a friendship and more.

As always, Center left me with all the feels. I laughed, cried, ached, and was filed with delight. Yes, an absolute feelsplosion. I am so happy I had the opportunity to read this stunning story of love, loss, healing, and pain, which reminded me to actively choose joy.
I'm telling you. I know all about darkness. That's why I am so hell-bent, every damn day, on looking for the light.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 26 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 26 June, 2020: Reviewed