Turquoise Mask by Phyllis a Whitney

Turquoise Mask

by Phyllis A Whitney

Beneath the New Mexico sun, an intense drama is unfolding. Amanda Austin has come to Santa Fe to learn the truth about her mother-who died mysteriously when Amanda was only five. She has come to face her mother's family, the Cordovas-and a part of her heritage kept secret from her since childhood.

It isn't going to be a pleasant truth to face. She knows this from the moment she enters her grandfather's house-a dark Spanish hacienda that seems to guard its ancient secrets like a tomb.

It is going to involve facing in herself the fiery Spanish blood of the Cordovas-that more than once over the years has erupted in jealous rage, cruelty, and possibly murder....

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3.5 of 5 stars


Wow, can Whitney be verbose.  Her earlier work has always been better, in my opinion, but this one was an in-between – first published in 1974.  Which makes the plotting excellent, and the abuse of the expository extreme.  Unfortunately the expository gauntlet must be run for many chapters before a hint of the rewarding plot can be found.

I’m undecided on whether it’s worth the effort.  The plotting was very well done.  I was absolutely certain I knew who the villain was right up until almost the end, when she convinced me I was wrong, that it was really …. and then she blindsided me with the solution that was just unexpected.  Whitney got huge bonus points for stunning me, but I’m not sure how I actually feel about it as a legitimate ending.  It works, but it feels like it shouldn’t.

The characters, and the romance, were, as is typical with both Whitney’s writing and the time she wrote in, dramatic and overly simplified.  Insta-love has nothing on romantic suspense from the 70’s; and characters’ personalities are never subtle or nuanced.  If you accept this as the style of its time, it’s not an insurmountable problem.

The one thing Whitney never lost, no matter how many books she wrote, was her sense of place.  I’m not sure I’ve ever read anybody better at putting the reader in whatever setting she wants them, and making them feel like they were there.  Here the deserts of New Mexico are the backdrop, and though I’ve never in my life seen an adobe house, I feel like I’ve lived in one the last couple of days.

I’d neither recommend it nor deter anyone from this one; the exposition is a challenge, but if that slow build isn’t a deterrent, the story is one of her more complicated and compelling ones.

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Reading updates

  • 30 September, 2020: Started reading
  • 2 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2020: Reviewed