Death Makes A Prophet by John Bude

Death Makes A Prophet (British Library Crime Classics)

by John Bude

'Small hostilities were growing; vague jealousies were gaining strength; and far off, wasn't there a nebulous hint of approaching tragedy in the air?' Welworth Garden City in the 1940s is a forward-thinking town where free spirits find a home - vegetarians, socialists, and an array of exotic religious groups. Chief among these are the Children of Osiris, led by the eccentric High Prophet, Eustace K. Mildmann. The cult is a seething hotbed of petty resentment, jealousy and dark secrets - which eventually lead to murder. The stage is set for one of Inspector Meredith's most bizarre and exacting cases. This witty crime novel by a writer on top form is a neglected classic of British crime fiction.

Reviewed by Aidan Brack (Mysteries Ahoy) on

4 of 5 stars


[W]hile I quickly settled on the guilty party, I felt that there were some original ideas both in how the crime was committed and the circumstances that made for compelling reading even once you have worked out the solution.

Read my full review at Mysteries Ahoy!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 September, 2020: Reviewed