Vengeance In Death by J D Robb

Vengeance In Death (In Death, #6)

by J D Robb

He is an expert with the latest technology...a madman with the mind of a genius and the heart of a killer. He quietly stalks his prey. Then he haunts the police with cryptic riddles about the crimes he is about to commit - always solved moments too late to save his victims' lives.

Police lieutenant Eve Dallas finds the first victim butchered in his own home. The second loses his life in a vacant luxury apartment. The two men had little in common. Both suffered unspeakable torture before their deaths. And both had ties to an ugly secret of...

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Reviewed by FranJessca @ A Book Lovin' Mama's Blog on

4.5 of 5 stars


Every time I read another book in J.D. Robb’s In Death series, I fall deeper into this world. Each book is different from the previous one, and it gets grittier and darker each time. You would think Eve Dallas would have an easy case eventually, but nope. This time she’s dealing with two murders, and the killer keeps sending her cryptic riddles. She has to find a connection between both, and when she does, she’ll realize they hit close to home. Her husband Roarke may have a link to the victims, and she’s determined more than ever figure out how and why.

Readers will get to dive into Roarke’s past a bit in this book. Eve will get to know her husband’s past when she travels to Dublin with him. Roarke didn’t have it easy when he was a young boy, but he got through it all. He had to get his hands dirty every once in a while, and now someone is out for revenge.

This case is going to test Eve and Roarke’s relationship. Eve is a cop who has to do her job first, but she’s going to learn more about her husband. I loved finding out more about Roarke. He’s been a mystery since the first book, and now we’re finding out more about him. I love how he takes care of everyone that he loves dear to his heart. He deals with everyone his way, and he’s determined to find the killer with Eve. Eve is going by the book though on this one. She has to keep her husband from being incriminated.

Be prepared to be introduced to a new character in this book that I enjoyed in this story. I love the banter between the new character and Peabody.

I give this book 4.5-stars and can’t wait to dive into the next book in the series. I’m only reading one book a month, but hopefully, I’ll be able to increase how many I read soon in the series. I highly recommend this series to fans of Romantic Suspense and Mystery readers.

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Reading updates

  • 3 June, 2020: Started reading
  • 20 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 7 September, 2020: Reviewed