Mrs. Zant and the Ghost by Wilkie Collins

Mrs. Zant and the Ghost

by Wilkie Collins

Mrs Zant has recently lost her beloved husband, and while walking in the Kensington Gardens, the spot where she and her deceased husband declared their love for each other, she feels his presence trying to warn her of some coming danger.

Mr Rayburn witnesses it all, and he'll have to fight his own incredulity regarding the supernatural and his gut feeling that the disturbed young woman is telling the truth.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars


A quick 1-hour and change audiobook of the short story by Wilkie Collins about a man and his daughter who stumble across a woman in the park who is either haunted, or mad.   

I was really enjoying the story until the very end: it felt entirely too rushed and very little was explained enough to my satisfaction, although to be fair I was ferrying cats in the car at the time, so I might have missed something.     

Gillian Anderson's narration was excellent; I had to get used to the deeper voice and accent, but she is able to capture the different characters beautifully.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2016: Reviewed