Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group- Loveswept for allowing me to review Always Be True: Tino by Alexis Morgan.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Always Be True: Tino from Random House Publishing Group- Loveswept through NetGalley as an ARC for my honest and unbiased review**

Now onto my review:

I really liked this book, a lot. It is refreshing to read a book where the characters don’t sleep together after first meeting each other. The author chose to take it sweet and slow with them. There was Instalust but not Instalove. Instead, the author had them do a slow burn until the end. Which I loved!! Like I said, very refreshing.

I absolutely loved Tino. He was sweet and so full of insecurities about his relationship with Natalie, it wasn’t even funny. Instead of being himself, he tried to be something he wasn’t. Which drove me absolutely bonkers.

Natalie, I liked too. Sure, she was wealthy and her parents/grandfather were super wealthy. She didn’t flaunt it though. She was down to earth and funny. I thought she was cute when she first met Tino.

There were some parts of the story that weren’t finished. Like the storyline about her obsessive ex, Benton. A big deal was made out of people wanting her and Benton getting back together by everyone, including her parents. But nothing was mentioned after the ball. Nothing. The storyline was just dropped. I was seriously waiting for him to show up at her apartment or do something stalkerish until the end of the book.

Also, Natalie’s bad luck with power tools were mentioned once or twice and then dropped. I really thought that the author would have made it a running joke but after it being mentioned, twice I think, it was dropped too.

Natalie and Tino made a great couple. Because the author had them go on 3-4 dates before they had sex, I felt that they had more of a connection. I did love the pom-pom reference right before the first sex scene. It made me giggle.

This is a book 2 in a series and I would suggest that you read book 1 if you want info on Jack and his family. This is not a standalone book.

The ending was cute and I loved the epilogue.

How many stars will I give Always Be True: Tino? 2.5/3

Why? This would be great as a beach/pool book. The plot was solid, to a point, and the characters engaging. There was a problem with one of the sub storylines just being let go in the middle of the book, which really threw me off for the rest of the book. Also, the plot lagged and almost lost my attention.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age Range? Adult

Why? Language, sex scenes and a pretty descriptive mugging scene

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  • Started reading
  • 30 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 30 August, 2016: Reviewed