Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Frankie gets a Block and a tower too…

Sassy is about to get a lot sassier than she’s ever been before. There was absolutely no way for my review of Unblocked Collection to be written without a few rude crude and socially unacceptable words that popped into my head at the conclusion of this series. If you are offended at rude and crude words, close your eyes…or maybe squint at the screen enough to close this sucker down.

Derek loves to play…like a doggy…with his pussy…in the back alley…you get what I’m saying? Whenever Frankie walks into a room, Derek comes to attention. In the chapters where we see his thoughts, the man is a walking hard on. His c*ck seems to have a permanent relationship with the length of his zipper. Frankie isn’t much better…she’s all about screaming his name and yelling harder, deeper and I want to come (or cum whichever word tickles your fancy). This book is really HOT. No mild case of lust here, these two can’t keep their hands to themselves.

So this series isn’t all about eating and sucking, there is a storyline. Frankie is a real estate agent and works in her father’s company that she hopes to take over running in the future. Garret, Frankie’s father comes across as an emotionally unavailable asshole in my opinion. The fact that he pushed her so hard and expected her to be solely focused on work, with no social life, was not the actions of a father who cared about his daughter. Frankie strives to be good enough in his eyes, but it seems an unattainable goal.

Frankie’s main problems in her life revolve around her work, which has a knock on effect to her social life. Her ex-boyfriend, Reed ruined their relationship but expects Frankie to give him another chance. They have had to keep a work relationship going and Frankie must constantly push her feelings aside and act like it’s business as usual. Between Reed and his inability to let her go, Julia (a work rival who sleeps her way to the top) and her father’s demands to put work above everything else, Frankie has enough on her plate to keep her busy.

Derek is the property developer of Timber Towers. He wants the best real estate agent to sell his properties, and the front runner is Frankie. Julia is also a contender and it’s obvious she plans to get the attention of Derek in the only way she knows how...on her back...or...hands and knees...or...on top, with a whip in her hand (as I'm lead to believe could be her scene). In the first books we see him struggle with his lust for Frankie. He has strict rules when it comes to the women he sleeps with and only spends one night and one morning with them. It took me until book 4 to “get” him. When all the facts came out and we understand why he is the way he is, it makes a whole lot more sense.

Derek and his sister Hayden, are seeking revenge on a man who caused heartache and devastation to their family. Hatred of Randy, another property developer, runs deep. Their determination to get their revenge has led them to live their lives dedicated to work and finding ways to make the man pay.

The journey traveled for Derek and Frankie was bumpy. The lack of communication and trust between this couple caused many problems. In book 3 and 4 these problems would have been lessened if they had communicated with each other. The sexual chemistry between them was the cornerstone of their relationship to start with, but eventually morphed into mutual admiration and respect.

I really loved meeting some of the supporting characters. Derek and Frankie’s assistants, Will and Brea, were wonderful and made the story flow smoothly. Towards the end Will hooks up with an unlikely candidate and I would love a story to see how that relationship works out (hint, hint, nudge, nudge – Marni). Brea has had something terrible happen in her past, we don’t know specifics but I would love to see her get a HEA, she deserves it. Anna, Frankie’s nanny from childhood was also a loved character.

Reading this series one straight after the other, had pluses and minuses. On the plus side – no waiting for new releases to the series, it’s all nicely wrapped up in one package. You don’t lose momentum and the highs and lows happen straight away, so the cliffy’s last for seconds instead of weeks or months. The negatives – by going from one story to the next, you have to rehash a bit. It also felt like one long sex scene with a few work related issues in between. These guys were sexing it up more than working or maintaining their fine physics. Marni my lovely (author extraodinaire), I’m pretty sure Frankie only went on one or two runs through the whole series, drank copious amounts of alcohol and ate out constantly. How the fukurri rugs did this chick have a fine ass? How on earth did Derek keep a “firm” body? He didn’t perform one bit of hard labour or exercise besides lifting Frankie against a wall to bang her.

I really enjoyed the Unblocked Collection. It was a HOT read with lots of pussy, c*nt, co*k and holes mentioned. Both have built walls around their hearts after bad relationships. Trust is slow to come and when it does, cements and strengthens their relationship. We get to see their relationship build and it wasn’t based solely on sex. Work and family commitments kept this couple busy, but they always managed to get their priorities straight in the end. I laughed, shed a tear, felt anger and enjoyed lots of hot and sexy wallbanging, pussy licking, c*ck sucking bits and pieces.

ARC provided by author for an honest review

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  • 9 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2015: Reviewed