David Goes To School by David Shannon

David Goes To School

by David Shannon

David's teacher has her hands full. From running in the halls to chewing gum in class, David's high-energy antics fill each school day with trouble-and are sure to bring a smile to even the best-bahaved reader.

Reviewed by Berls on

I love this book as a follow up - David's still having a lot of trouble following the rules. It follows the same predictable format, which lets the kids start to predict what David is going to do. This one is PERFECT for a kinder classroom, though, because unlike No, David, he's getting in trouble for things we're not supposed to do in school. I always follow this one up with a T-chart, where we sort "good choices" and "bad choices" to make at school.

I also like that the teacher in David Goes to School is clearly of the Love & Logic crowd- as in, let the punishment fit the crime. Her punishments for David are logical - he has to clean up his mess, he has to stay after school to clean up, he has to miss recess for playing during class. It's very much the way I discipline, so it's really fitting for my classroom.

And, like David's mom, the teacher frequently says, "No, David!" giving the kids the same predictable text to participate with and read on their own later. Although there's no favorite page, there are lots of laughs. And David's teacher loves him too :)

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2016: Reviewed