Watch Me by Angela Clarke

Watch Me

by Angela Clarke

*The Sunday Times bestseller*


‘Fast-paced and full of excitement…It kept me gripped.’


The body of a 15-year-old is found hours after she sends a desperate message to her friends. It looks like suicide, until a second girl disappears.

This time, the message is sent directly to the Metropolitan Police – and an officer’s younger sister is missing.

DS Nasreen Cudmore and journalist Freddie Venton will stop at nothing to find her. But whoever’s behind the notes is playing a deadly game of hide and seek – and the clock is ticking.


‘Creepy, clever and unnerving,’ C. L. Taylor
‘Heart-pounding suspense…’ Sharon Bolton

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

Angela Clarke is a fantastic crime writer. Both of her books have been addictive, and Watch Me in particular kept me up until 11pm (which isn’t late to a lot of people, but when you have an early start the next day is kinda late). She’s created a cracking pair is Nas and Freddie, and I liked how their relationship is developing after such a long break (and after everything that happened in Follow Me!). I do still get frustrated when reading, though, mostly because why do all men have to be jerks? Why the hell must men be suspicious of how Nas got her new job, and treat her like a piece of meat? IT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM. Every scene with Saunders made me grit my teeth and want to punch him in his smug, self-righteous, sexist face. And after everything that went on between Nas and Jack (I say everything, but there was a lot of feelings there for what was a one night stand? I mean they barely know each other? IDK), I actually don’t know how Nas comes back from this, because it’s hardly going to be coming up roses in the next book is it? I suspect Saunders will be worse. So it’s frustrating in that regard, because they should just see Nas as a police officer and treat her like anyone else and it just infuriates me that they don’t. I’m surprised they didn’t just ask her to make the damn tea.

The case in Watch Me is scary on so many levels. Firstly, the whole idea of revenge porn is disgusting and anyone who does that to anyone else deserves to have their head cut off. In public. In stocks. Like the olden days. And also the whole social media aspect, it really does make you think about what you’re posting. I mean, I don’t do Snapchat, I don’t see the point, and it just doesn’t appeal to me, but I have seen what people do post on there and it’s like YOU’RE POSTING THIS TO THE WORLD. WTF ARE YOU DOING?!? It’s like this generation has no idea what privacy is, or how to keep yourself safe? Social media has opened everyone up to being victimised in some way, and kids these days really need to be careful with what they post! Mind you, the Snapchat aspect of the plot really helped kick it up a notch for the level of intensity it had. 24 hours to save a girl’s life? What immense pressure. I’d have cracked (good job I’m not a copper).

I was actually disappointed Nas got her new job with the Gremlin team – if only because in book series like this, you like to get to know all the characters. Not just Nas and Freddie, but the other people they work with, so I’m hoping it’ll stay the same for book three, although perhaps with less of the odious Saunders??? AND MORE CHIPS. Because Chips was amazing. I thought it was very realistic that Angela showcased Freddie’s panic and paranoia, after what happened in Follow Me (that I can’t remember because I forget books as soon as I’ve read them – just call me DORY) instead of just seeing her bouncing back as if nothing happened. I also feel like we’re getting to see more of the real Nas. I still think she has a facade that she keeps up, but her mask seemed to drop more, and we’re getting there. She’s hardly a squishy teddy bear, but there’s more to her than a stern-faced police officer.

I really liked Watch Me. It was fast-paced, addictive and I read it in just one sitting. Angela Clarke is very much an author to keep an eye on, she has her hand on the pulse of social media and her writing is intense and addictive. I love Nas and Freddie, they’re quite the formidable duo (and put me to shame – I hate when people younger than me are just so much more proactive than me…) and I love when they work together, there’s just something about those two that will keep my coming back for more every single time!

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