Catch a Falling Star by Kim Culbertson

Catch a Falling Star

by Kim Culbertson

Carter Moon is expecting to spend a quiet summer working in her parents' restaurant and hanging out with her best friends Alien Drake and Chloe--but when a Hollywood company arrives to film a movie, her sleepy California town is suddenly transformed, and Carter finds herself playing an unexpected part in it all.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

This was adorable. I loved our main character, Carter. I thought she was so genuine, and that so many people her age would be able to relate to some of her problems. She's a small town girl, who gave up something she loved, because other people's expectations ruined it for her. She's a teen, who doesn't like being outside her comfort zone. She's a girl dealing with a family problem and trying to help in any way she can. She's a girl, who loves an addict and is trying to figure out where to draw the line. That last issue is what thrusts her into Adam's orbit. This super private girl takes on fake dating to help her family, but it ends up being a life changing experience. Carter grows so much during the story and makes so many discoveries about herself. I was quite proud of her at times. Our other main character, Adam, is super complicated. He is very annoying at times and very lovable at others. Overall, a fun, cute read with quite a bit of heart and some swoon-worthy moments that made me smile.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 July, 2015: Reviewed