Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Drakon was my first foray into dragon shifter books. And what a way to start! The author has her work cut out for her creating the world because its really multiple worlds. There were times things got a bit muddled and I found myself wondering if I had missed something. But, the plot is so twisted and developed you can't stop reading. You have to know how it is going to work out! Will they find her sister? What really happened to her parents? Is Clain bad? Who the heck is the bad guy? Who the heck are the good guys?!? The book is LONG so as sucked into it as I was, it still took me several days to read. This was difficult because I was already a little confused at times and then when I picked the book back up I was even more confused. But, it didn't ruin the book for me, so 4 stars!
POV: 3rd (this might be another reason I struggled. For some reason, I do NOT do well with 3rd person)
Heat: 4
Trope: Shifter, mortal peril, kidnapping, alpha male
Cliffhanger: No
HEA: yes

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2015: Reviewed