Haunted Ground by Erin Hart

Haunted Ground

by Erin Hart

When a red-haired girl's severed head is found in an ancient bog in southeast Galway, it may be an historical relic or the answer to a local mystery. As archaeologist Cormac Maguire and pathologist Nora Gavin investigate, they reawaken an interest in the missing Mina Osborne, who vanished - with her young son - two years ago. Why are the Osbornes of Bracklyn House so secretive? How are the strange lights in the old tower and the curious thefts from the local church connected to these riddles? Somewhere there is a killer, who wants the dead to stay buried and the missing to remain undiscovered. And as Cormac and Nora get closer to the truth, answers from the past are leading to a murder in the future ...

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars. Good plot, likeable characters, and enjoyed the historical mystery, but the book could use a heavier hand in editing. Just too much extraneous inner dialogue that could be slimmed down and one of those books where every character has some terrible tragedy in their past that gets entirely too much attention at the expense of the story in some parts. Also, as a pathologist, it would be expected that Nora would be more objective than going around accepting assumptions as fact without all the evidence.

Overall, a good read but a little too wordy.

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  • 3 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2014: Reviewed