Christmas at the Vicarage by Rebecca Boxall

Christmas at the Vicarage

by Rebecca Boxall

It’s been fifteen years since Rosamunde last lived at the vicarage in Potter’s Cove, the pretty coastal village where she grew up, experienced her first true love—and a heartbreak that changed her life forever. But now Potter’s Cove is calling her back: it’s time to make peace with the past and go home.

Rosamunde’s return to the vicarage in the days before Christmas is a whirlwind of festive cheer and heartwarming reunions with friends, family and her loving father, the vicar. And while seeing the old place after all this time stirs painful memories of long-ago grief, it also reminds her of all the love she left behind. Fifteen years ago she vowed never to let herself be vulnerable again—but now that she’s back she’s not so sure. Is it possible that real happiness could strike more than once?

Spanning three decades of family life, Christmas at the Vicarage is a warm, feel-good tale that examines what it means to love and to lose—and to be brave enough to try again.

Revised edition: This edition of Christmas at the Vicarage includes editorial revisions.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book in exchange or my honest opinion.
"So you see, I may seem hard and cold to you, my dear, but I know what grief is like. I know what it’s like to be young and full of hope and then young and full of despair. Maggie wasn’t the last person I loved who died back then, but her death was the one I felt very badly."

Going into this book I thought it was going to be a nice Christmas story. I was very wrong about that though. This story isn't about Christmas at all, instead, it is a life story about Rosamunde and why she left the vicarage to travel the world.
This story is a coming of age of sorts. It flips back and forth between present day and Rosamund past. We learn why she is the way she is and why she has been single for so long. It was very nice and while it wasn't Christmassy at all besides the last 2 present-day chapters and some Christmas shopping done as well.

If I was recommending this to someone I don't think I would say it was a Christmas book at all, instead, I would say that it could be read any time of year really or maybe in November when you are just starting to feel Christmassy.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2015: Reviewed