Fat Chance by Rhonda Pollero

Fat Chance (Finley Anderson Tanner Mystery, #3)

by Rhonda Pollero

The difference between the wrath of God and the wrath of your mother is that eventually God forgives you.

Finley Anderson Tanner just landed a quaint new cottage on posh Palm Beach. Not bad for an underachieving, sample-sale-shopping paralegal -- until she finds the place in shambles. She should have known better than to accept her overbearing mother's offer to sell her a house unseen at a bargain-basement mortgage rate. Good-bye Rolex dreams. At this rate, she'll be shopping designer outlets forever.

When Finley discovers a skeleton in her new closet, right where her Jimmy Choos should be, a total home renovation is the least of her worries. Sure, she knows how to catch a crook, but when a girl's sandwiched between sexy P.I. Liam McGarrity and her hot new boss, defense attorney Tony Caprelli, she can only be headed for commitment. To an institution. With her fabulous (but slightly more successful) friends to keep her sane and her interfering mother out of town, Finley vows to get this bad guy -- and decorate her new house -- even if she has to pay full price.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

I've just re-read this in anticipation of the next book, Slightly Irregular. I had actually thought this series was cancelled, so I was thrilled to see the next two books out.

I love this series - I think it's a lot of fun to read; very entertaining with a great cast of characters. Finley is an absolute idiot when it comes to personal finance, but still a hoot. Lots of interesting romantic tension, and really excellent mysteries.

Fat Chance is about a corpse Finley finds in her new 'handyman special' beach house her mother railroads her into purchasing. Her attempts to identify the decade-plus old corpse lands her in the thick of things. Lots of humour, a bit of action, a new romantic possibility. Just a really entertaining read. I can't wait to get started on Slightly Irregular.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Reviewed