The Chasm by S Usher Evans

The Chasm (Madion War Trilogy, #2)

by S. Usher Evans

They survived The Island, but can they cross The Chasm?

Four months after Prince Galian was discovered alive on a remote island, he's adjusting slowly to life at the hospital under the Kylaen media's glare. His promises to Theo remain unfulfilled as fear of his father keeps him from taking concrete action. And the more he learns about the machinations in Kylae, the less sure he is that it's possible to make a difference.

Across the great Madion Sea, Major Theo Kallistrate struggles to navigate the tricky political waters of Rave's presidential staff. To make positive change for her people, she must remain relevant and interesting to the Raven media and to the president. When he asks her to deliver a speech on her supposed two-month imprisonment at Mael, she's not sure she can stomach the lies.

The Chasm is S. Usher Evans' breathtaking, fast-paced follow-up to The Island, which readers say is "not to be missed."

Reviewed by Chelsea on

5 of 5 stars

What I Loved

This doesn’t happen often, but I think I actually liked this book MORE than the first one! I know, crazy right? I just felt like I could connect with the characters a little bit more and the plot was faster paced for me. I was disappointed that there was less Galian/Theo moments but since they were in different countries it seems fair. I just want them to be happy and live happily ever after! Why is that so hard?!

Can I just say that while I love Galien, I think I might like Rhys more! I loved that we got to see more of him in this book and that only lead to me falling in love with him. Also their mother? Where did she come from?! I think it’s my new life goal to “grow up” and become just as badass as her! I’d really looking forward to seeing what she ends up doing to end this war. I feel something epic coming on! I also admired how true to the first book the author was. I’ve been noticing a lot more lately that authors are basically changing the personalities of their characters in their later books. I was SO GLAD that this didn’t happen here. I loved how easily Theo could stand up to people and how genuinely good Galian is. They really do make a perfect match.

I kind of like the idea that there’s no “good” country exactly. They all have their faults and are all coming at this war from all the wrong angles. I like that the villains of this book were from each country. I hated every single politician we met (for good readsons) and I actually had fun hating them through the duration of the book. I was not expecting that last move at the end! The author has no problem surprising me apparently!

I’m also really like that this is a new adult book. I find most new adult books are contemporary and I’m always excited when I find a fantasy one! Especially one as good as this series!

What I Didn't Like

I don’t know if I can think about anything I didn’t like. While I wasn’t crying from amazement, it was still a REALLY good book and an even better sequel. The only complaint I could possibly think of was that the beginning was a little slow due to all the politics that took place. I do understand why it had to happen though.

Who I'd Recommend To

I’d recommend this to any YA fantasy lovers that are looking to read more new adult books. I love that this wasn’t too sex or violence heavy but it had just the perfect amount for anyone who is looking to transition. Also it’s just amazing and every needs to read it, especially if you love romance mixed with your fantasy!

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  • Started reading
  • 7 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2016: Reviewed