Reviewed by littleread1 on

5 of 5 stars

Ford ... oh Ford. You are so messed up in the head I didn't think you would ever be able to get over Rook. Neither did you. But one night in the snow you took pity on a young woman and her baby and you were done for. I wonder if you knew how things would turn out, if you would have still done things the same? I think so.

And Ashleigh - you poor thing. I am so glad you and baby Kate found Ford, but I wish the road to get to where you are now had been easier for you. But remember it was a rough road for Ford too, so have some patience with him. He needs a gentle but firm hand, and I know you will take good care of him. If I can't have him, I am glad it is you.

Baby Kate - you are so loved already you have no idea. If all single mom's were as lucky as your mom there would be no kids unloved in the world. You will want for nothing, not things nor love and attention. You are going to be raised around some of the smartest and most loyal people I've ever known of. I am not going to lie, my parents are great but I am little jealous of you.

All readers - I suggest you read the Rook and Ronin trilogy before reading Taut, but it is not required. Either way, Taut is one of the best books I've read in a long time. I couldn't put it down and my love for Ford surpassed my love for Ronin, and I didn't think that was possible, I LOVE Ronin. Huss' writing is beautiful and tragic, and you will be sucked in, wondering what will happen next, and left satisfied and a little sad that it is over at the end.

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  • 9 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2014: Reviewed