Heat Stroke by Rachel Caine

Heat Stroke (Weather Warden, #2)

by Rachel Caine

Accused of murder, Weather Warden Joanne Bladwin was chased across the country - and killed - by a team charged with hunting down rogue Wardens. Five days later, Joanne had a lovely funeral and was posthumously cleared of all charges. Her human life was over, but she had been reborn into Djinnhood. Now, until she masters her enhanced powers, Joanne must avoid being 'claimed' by a human. But when a hazard that only a Djinn could sense infiltrates Earth's atmosphere, Joanne must somehow convince someone to do something about it - or the forecast will be deadly. So who said being all-powerful was going to be easy?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

this book was totally better than the first, it was great, and very exciting. I'm still wrapping my head around jo being human again oh well will see how things go in the next book. But as for this book, it was interesting on how everything played out and how things happened because of "love" and the whole fact that the end all be all of djinn was captured OMG!

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  • Started reading
  • 3 December, 2011: Finished reading
  • 3 December, 2011: Reviewed