Uptown Girl by Olivia Goldsmith

Uptown Girl

by Olivia Goldsmith


From the bestselling author of THE FIRST WIVES CLUB comes a sparkling romantic comedy. Perfect for fans of Candace Bushnell.

There's something about Billy Nolan. It's not just that he's wickedly attractive, it's that any woman he dates and dumps (and he dates and dumps them all) immediately goes on to marry someone else.

Sassy, uptown New Yorker Kate, is immune to Billy's charms but perhaps the 'Billy effect' will work for Kate's friend, Bina, who has fallen apart because her almost-fiancé, Jack, is going away to 'explore his singleness'.

All Kate has to do is get Billy to date Bina and dump her – and then await Jack's return and watch the magic happen. It's a great plan and at first it seems to be working. But the one thing Kate hasn't considered is how Billy feels about it all…

Reviewed by clairelm on

4 of 5 stars

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book, I thought it was really well written and the story was intreresting .

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  • Started reading
  • 10 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2013: Reviewed