The Lady Grace Mysteries by Grac Cavendish

The Lady Grace Mysteries

by Grac Cavendish

The Queen and her Maids of Honour are spending the summer at a nobleman's estate, where a new manor house is being built. But the work has to stop when a mysterious spook appears. Could the ghost of a murdered Earl be haunting the site of his death? Grace begins to investigate and finds that there are many rumours about the ghost - and uncovering the truth could be dangerous...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

This series isn't bad but this one, where part of a shipment of a loan to the queen goes missing, seems almost write by the numbers. I think I need to give any other titles in this series a while before going back to them as this felt very predicatble and un-inspired.

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  • 15 May, 2009: Reviewed