A Tale of Two Sloths by Graham Annable

A Tale of Two Sloths (Peter & Ernesto)

by Graham Annable

Peter and Ernesto are sloths. Peter and Ernesto are friends. But Peter and Ernesto are nothing alike. Peter loves their tree and never wants to leave, while Ernesto loves the sky and wants to see it from every place on Earth. When Ernesto leaves to have a grand adventure, Peter stays behind and frets. The two friends grow even closer in separation, as Peter the homebody expands his horizons and Ernesto the wanderer learns the value of home. With ridiculously cute art and simple, funny text, their reunion is even more adorable than you are imagining.

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Reviewed by wcs53 on

5 of 5 stars

I borrowed this little children's graphic novel from the library. It's a charming tale about friendship told through the lives of two sloths, Peter and Ernesto. It's a great story, that I'm sure children will enjoy. Bored with his life of staying up in a tree, Ernesto decides to head out and explore the world. Peter is scared to do so and tells Ernesto it's a scary world out there with lots of different things to fear. It's such a short read, so I won't give any spoilers. However, what unfolds is a tale of learning diversity and an appreciation of how it's OK to be different, among a few other things. Besides the great story, the book also has some simple, but very good and colourful artwork.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 22 June, 2018: Reviewed