The Lifeboat Clique by Kathy Parks

The Lifeboat Clique

by Kathy Parks

Mean Girls meets Life of Pi in this darkly humorous, compulsively readable teen novel that's perfect for fans of Libba Bray and Andrew Smith. A hilariously dark and twisted story that sparkles with a remarkably fresh voice, The Lifeboat Clique is Kathy Parks's irreverent yet insightful novel about how to survive in the most unthinkable circumstances.

Some people might say that Denver has a death wish. Why else would she dare to sneak into a Malibu beach party where she'd be surrounded by enemies?

Oh yeah. Croix. Denver never thought in a million years he'd ask her out, but who is she to question this miracle of fate?

Well, that isn't the only surprise fate has in store.

During the party a tsunami hits the coast of California, and Denver and a handful of others escape death and are swept out to sea. Of course, one of her fellow castaways is none other than her ex-BFF, Abigail, who can barely stand the sight of her.

Trapped on a small boat with the most popular kids in school and waiting to be rescued, Denver wonders what might kill her first-dehydration, sunstroke, or the girl she used to think of as a sister?

Reviewed by Amber on

2 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Books of Amber

I read The Lifeboat Clique in just a couple of hours back in August. I wanted a quick read, and it was sitting there staring at me so I picked it up. I got exactly what I was expecting: a fast read without much emotional connection.

The plot of The Lifeboat Clique is what initially drew me in. There is an earthquake off the coast of California, which results in a tsunami, which results in a teenagers' house party being ruined and several of them being killed or dragged out to sea. Our main character, Denver, is an outcast and is stuck on a lifeboat with a bunch of mean girls.

I really enjoyed the narrative of this book. The satirical and dark humour was amusing, and it kept me going even though I felt little-to-no connection with Denver at all. It reminded me a bit of Beauty Queens by Libba Bray, but less over the top and just all round better.

I was thoroughly enjoying the story until a scene towards the end, in which the main character eats raw eggs to stay alive. Raw, fertlised eggs, since they didn't have access to chickens or a farmyard. It was a stupid plot point, and it feels stupid to get caught up on it, but it pulled me out of the story. a) the eggs were FERTILISED, and b) are they not worried about food poisoning, which could result in sickness, and thus dehydration, and thus DEATH?

But anyway, The Lifeboat Clique was fairly enjoyable, to a point. I wouldn't go crazy for it, though.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2015: Reviewed