Rock Solid by Samantha Hunter

Rock Solid

by Samantha Hunter

Opposites ignite...

Champion stock car driver Brody Palmer's bad-boy reputation has forced him into early retirement. What no one knows is that his "retirement" is actually a publicity stunt. All Brody has to do is clean up his act and settle down. Unfortunately, every single woman with a pulse is now gunning to become the new Mrs. Palmer.

Hannah Morgan needs to shake things up, and Brody is the best way to do just that. So they strike a deal-a fake relationship...with all of the sexy strings included! Brody gets his improved image, and Hannah gets a whole lot more of Brody's unpredictable wildness. Hot days, hotter nights-it's the perfect plan! Provided, of course, they don't do something to wreck it, like fall for each other...

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This charming story is about Brody Palmer, a race car driver who is trying to improve his image. He’s a successful driver but bad publicity from his wild playboy lifestyle, keeps getting him into trouble. After Brody’s latest escapade, his sponsor asks him to retire for a year and find a nice girl to help restore his public image. Brody likes living life on the edge. He likes fast cars and women and he’s upset his sponsor is forcing him to change his lifestyle.

Hannah Morgan is an accountant and risk averse. Even her former boss told her she was too cautious. When Hannah wasn’t given a promotion she felt she deserved, she quit her job and is now driving around the country writing a blog about her trip. For the first time in her life, Hannah is taking a chance and while she finds it exhilarating, she’s also feeling nervous and scared by her bold move.

A year ago, Brody and Hannah dated for a short time and then amicably parted ways. Even though they haven’t seen each other in a year, on a whim, Hannah decides to visit Brody. When they see each other again there’s still a strong attraction simmering between them and Hannah decides to pretend to be Brody’s girlfriend to help his career.

I enjoyed reading this heartwarming story. While trying to convince everyone they are a couple, Brody and Hannah discovers one lie only leads to another. They are both dealing with different issues and trying to make constructive changes in their lives and evolve into better people. They help each other along the way. Brody’s a good guy. He’s never been interested in settling down, but the more time he spends with Hannah, he wonders if should change his ways.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 January, 2015: Reviewed