Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Dirk Gently)

by Douglas Adams

What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a Chronologist over 200 years old, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet), and pizza have in common?

Apparently not much; until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery, and eating a lot of pizza - not to mention saving the entire human race from extinction along the way (at no extra charge).

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Reviewed by bookperson on

1 of 5 stars

DNF @ 20%.
I enjoyed tv-adaptation (season 1 at least, before all the drama about producers), but this book was so hard to get through. I read at least 100 pages and don't care about any of characters or the story itself. Maybe it's lost in translation (I'm reading this in russian), but I didn't get the humor.
Not for me, unfortunately:/

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  • Started reading
  • 26 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2018: Reviewed