Happily Ever After & Everything In Between by Debbie Tung

Happily Ever After & Everything In Between

by Debbie Tung

From the bestselling author of Quiet Girl in a Noisy World and Book Love comes a funny and adorable collection of comics about married life. From choosing a movie and sharing (or not sharing) dessert to snoring (naturally) and knowing when someone needs a cup of tea and a cozy blanket, Happily Ever After is the perfect gift for anyone in a relationship.


The comics in Happily Ever After & Everything In Between may be inspired by Debbie Tung’s marriage to her extrovert husband, but any couple can relate to increasingly relaxed anniversaries and slowly seeing more of each other’s weird sides. Happily Ever After humorously captures what everyday love looks like—both the sweet moments and the mundane—making it a fitting gift for weddings, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Happily Ever After & Everything In Between in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Happily Ever After & Everything In Between is an amazing comic collection from the mind of Debbie Tung. It's all about married life, especially the more insane elements that can come from the first few years of being together.

This has got to be one of the more endearing graphic novels I've read this year. Its so adorable yet isn't afraid to make jokes at the expense of the two leading characters (a recently married couple, naturally).

Their relationship is so organic and real, you can tell that Debbie Tung based much of it (if not all of it) on real life. Personally, I love that the couple features an introvert and an extrovert. Anybody who has been in or seen this pairing before knows exactly how chaotic it can become at times!

It's amazing how relatable both characters are (though obviously I found myself appreciating the commentary from the introvert more, no surprise there). Plus, I love how weird the characters were portrayed as – because we all get a little bit weird when there's nobody other than our significant other around. It's okay to admit that! That's something that Debbie Tung really reinforced here, and I love it.

If you've ever seen or read anything by Debbie Tung in the past, then you know exactly what you're in for in regards to art style. If not, the cover itself should help to give you an idea. She loves making quirky characters, and usually works in mostly black and grays (though when color is called for, red is always a fun way to go).

I cannot recommend Happily Ever After & Everything In Between, or any of Debbie Tung's graphic novels enough. I adore her work, and cannot wait to see what she comes up with next.

Check out more reviews over at Quiry Cat's Fat Stacks

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  • 4 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 4 May, 2020: Reviewed