Beard Necessities by Penny Reid

Beard Necessities (Winston Brothers, #7)

by Penny Reid

Billy Winston’s family is going to see him happy and in love if it’s the last thing they do.

No one deserves a happily-ever-after quite as much as the second oldest Winston brother and his lady love, Claire McClure (aka Scarlet St. Claire). Cruelty and circumstance tore them apart almost twenty years ago. Secrecy and bitterness kept them separated.

But you know who's tired of their separation and stubbornness? Everyone. Especially Billy Winston’s family. And now they're going to do something about it.

Well-meaning interference means the star-crossed lovers can’t stop tripping over each other in the hills of Tuscany, the...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I know I can still stay in this world via the Smartypants Romances, but there's nothing like being with the Winston brothers. I will miss them very much, but what a wonderful finale!

Reid broke my heart with Scarlett and Billy's origin story, therefore, this book was really important to me. It was sad to hear about some of the things that happened between or to them in the years in-between this book and Beard with Me, but it was such a huge reward seeing them finally fulfilling their destiny to be together forever.

I was wonderful, that the whole family was together and in on Operation Get-them-together. It's always great being around this big and boisterous group, and they had me cycling between laughing, crying, and swooning. The ending was rather wonderful too, as I got a peek at the next generation of Winstons.

A wonderful finale for a fantastic series


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  • Started reading
  • 6 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 March, 2020: Reviewed