Chill Factor by Rachel Caine

Chill Factor (Weather Warden, #3)

by Rachel Caine

Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin has protected the human race from monster storms, been killed, reborn as a Djinn, and then restored to her original form. Now she's throwing the dice to stop an infinitely powerful, deeply disturbed kid-who is holed up in a Vegas hotel-from bringing on a new ice age.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

this book had me so engrossed that I couldn't put it down until I was finished with it. I feel bad for Jo, she goes through so much crap. Poor David, I wonder how they will save him? These books are quite unique in anything I have ever read. I have never quite read any book that involved, people who controlled weather like the wardens do, or basically the fact any books about djinn, mainly when you think of djinn, you think of the evil version of the "genie in the bottle." Ms. Caine has got quite the imagination to pull these books together, to where they grasp your attention immediately and hold onto it until the very end. I am excited to read the next book, as soon as I get my hands on it.

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  • 12 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2012: Reviewed