In a Witch's Wardrobe by Juliet Blackwell

In a Witch's Wardrobe (Witchcraft Mystery, #4)

by Juliet Blackwell

Lily Ivory is living her dream of owning a vintage clothing store—and practicing magic on the side. But when she encounters a sinister sleeping spell, Lily comes face-to-face with a nightmarish evil...

Taking a night off from running her successful San Francisco clothing store, Lily attends a local art deco ball where vintage fashions steal the show. But when a young woman at the event falls under a mysterious sleeping sickness, Lily senses that a curse was placed on the woman’s corsage.

Before Lily can solve the woman’s magical ailment, she’s asked to assist in investigating a string of poisonings in the Bay Area witchcraft community. She’s gained the trust of the local covens by supporting women’s charities through her clothing store. But soon, Lily suspects that one of her new acquaintances might not be so well intentioned and could be dabbling in dark magic and deadly botany…

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

5 of 5 stars

I'm a fan of this series, and I think this one might be the best one so far. The plot line is good with a great story and enough suspects to keep things muddled without overwhelming the reader with names to keep up with. I like the tie-in with Adrian, although I'd really like to see more of his backstory revealed; this is the fourth book, and almost nothing has been given away about one of the major secondary characters. I love that the love interest from the first couple of books was relegated to the background - I never warmed to his character - and I love where the author is taking Lily in this book - so many possibilities!

My only complaint: Oscar isn't likeable - he acts like a child and anything that has been around as long as he supposedly has should be wiser and more mature than a spoiled-brat 4 year old. He has good moments, but the annoying ones are starting to outnumber them.

Ms. Blackwell leaves this book off with a giant clue as to what the next book will bring and I'm really looking forward to book 5 - the next year will be a long one.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Reviewed