Lady Danger by Sarah McKerrigan

Lady Danger

by Sarah McKerrigan

Deirdre of Rivenloch is the eldest daughter of an ailing Scottish lord. The Borders in 1135 is a dangerous place to be and Deirdre was raised to be the son her father never had. She, along with her middle sister, Helena, is an accomplished swordswoman, capable of defending her father's estate, as well as the honour of her youngest sister, Muriel. But the Scots king, realising the importance of their position along the Borders, assigns their lands' protection to his best commander, Sir Pagan Cameliard, and declares that Pagan can take his pick of the Rivenloch sisters for his bride. Deirdre is outraged by the king's proclamation and to save her sisters from marrying a stranger she tricks him into choosing her. Pagan finds Deirdre's ability to stand up to him intriguing and soon the two form a sort of truce. When the English attempt to conquer their lands they disagree on how best to protect the castle. When the English manage to wound and capture Pagan, Deirdre is torn between defending her homeland or rescuing the man she loves.

Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

What can I say, I adore female warriors. Deirdre was no exception - although to be honest I LOVED Helena. She was so bloodthirsty - it was fantastic. The humour in this was good. The characters all seemed pretty interesting. Deirdre was a little all over the place - but then I guess practical vs. emotion will do that to a person. The plot was well paced and the pages flew by. Already bought the next one - because Helena anyone? Although I'm even intrigued to read about Miriel and her secrets. Just a really great read and hopefully - a great series.

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  • 6 December, 2017: Reviewed