Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

3 of 5 stars

It was really good for a while, but then there was all this thing about faith which is hard for me to connect to because most days I don't believe in god, and while I think it's a legitimate wordview, it was hard for me to connect to the "message" of this book.
Also, everything for about the last 10% felt meaningless for me, and the book could do without it.
there was no need for all the Africa crap, especially when the end result was bound to be--oh right, you're all right, I'm just running away. She's stopped running a while back, and bringing this issue back was aggravating. And essentially, was solved much too easily.
Also, the sex thing. Why was it such a big deal? Why was she so scared someone might think they're doing it? Two consenting adults, in a long term relationship...

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2014: Reviewed