She's Not So Ordinary by C.A. Milson, J.D. Rebel

She's Not So Ordinary

by C.A. Milson and J.D. Rebel

C.A.Milson's new horror installment in "The Chosen" series, and based on the screenplay, "This Is No Ordinary Girl". Laura was once a girl who had everything to live for. A loving fiancee, a great job and two cats. That was until Jamiesonn came into her life, and in a whirlwind, everything she had was gone. For the next 18 months, her life spiralled out of control, until "he" came along. Garry was charming, witty, and in a way, a light in the darkness. But Laura is not all she seems to be, and her secret will be revealed.

Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

This was a strange story at the beginning, the first couple of chapters didn't really make sense to me, but then this is part of a series and I hadn't read the other books in the series. That said I could read and enjoy this book without too much trouble and I would say you can read it as a standalone.
Laura seems to be the main character, her fiancé was about to come home from being stationed in a few days only for her to learn the news that he was tragically killed. We then fast forward 18 months and the company she works for are hoping to promote either her or Garrett but also the company is being taken over and her new boss who is posing as Mr Venetti is actually Jamiesonn. We learnt a little of him but not much at the beginning of the book. He sets his sights on Laura and whenever they lock eyes something strange happens to her. This man is evil and Laura is no ordinary girl either.
I really enjoyed this novella, it was a bit gruesome in places but the story flowed well and it was penned very well.
It has made me want to read the previous books.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 March, 2014: Reviewed