Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

It has always been my belief that an important characteristic of a good story is one that is capable of capturing the reader’s attention from the start and keep them engaged until the end. Two Graves by Zoe Kalo was such a story. My curiosity was peaked from the first page. I couldn’t wait to discover what was the reason behind Angelica’s quest for revenge and what the outcome would be.The story was told solely from Angelica’s POV. It was narrated alternately between the past and the present with both views combining to form a complete narrative. I had no problem with the story being presented in this manner. As a matter of fact, it helped me to get a better understanding as to how she came to be travelling this path.As the story progressed the motive behind Angelica’s quest for revenge became clear. The manner and the location which she chose to enact her revenge were interesting, to say the least. In the process of trying to accomplish her task, she encountered some weird and creepy events. Events, which had her questioning what was real and what was not. She has waited seven years for this moment, she would not let anything prevent her from carrying out her mission. Will Angelica succeed in her quest?The story focused mainly on Angelica and her intended target. The information provided as it related to the other characters was minimal, therefore making it near to impossible for me to relate them. I guess that the length of the story had a part to play where this was concerned. Despite there not being sufficient information about the supporting characters, I believe the author achieved her goal, which was to have her readers engrossed in the heroine’s journey and to understand her state of mind both in the past and the present.Verdict: This was an interesting read and I can’t wait to see what next the author has in store with this series.Review also posted here
Totally Addicted To Reading

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  • 7 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2016: Reviewed