Girl Made of Glass by Shelby Leigh

Girl Made of Glass

by Shelby Leigh

If you think often about the past or battle with overthinking and self-esteem, girl made of glass is for you. This collection is about finding yourself, forgiving yourself, and loving yourself. It explores the many ways our past haunts us, but will leave you feeling hopeful about your future.

girl made of glass is a poetry collection about how our past—past mistakes, relationships, and regrets—can linger into our future. Broken into four parts, this book is about finding, forgiving, and loving ourselves. The Nightmares explores our past and the moments that haunt us. The Mirror delves into insecurity and how we might haunt ourselves. The Shattering investigates relationships and how they can break us. The Enchantment delivers an uplifting conclusion of self-love and growth.


Reviewed by bearley on

5 of 5 stars

Poetry like this is so important. There’s never enough ways to read about self-love and the journey to it. This collection does such a wonderful job at capturing the feelings that come with mental health struggles like anxiety and depression.
Honestly, it’s so hard to put into words how meaningful this was to read. Just seeing thoughts you’ve had during some of your darkest moments reflected back at you but with a hopeful undertone is just breathtaking. You hear so many times “it gets better” that you start to turn it out but when you read them in what feels like your own voice that is what’s truly comforting and why these verses are so powerful.
I highlighted so many lines that I’m definitely going to be getting a physical copy to reread during hard times.

Thanks to NetGalley and Central Avenue Publishing for sending me this arc!
Thanks to Shelby Leigh for sharing her words and experiences!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2022: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2022: Reviewed