Angel Fever by L. A. Weatherly

Angel Fever (Angel Trilogy, #3) (Angel (Candlewick))

by L. A. Weatherly

Willow and Alex are mankind's only hope. With the world in ruins, the angels are enslaving humanity, moving survivors into camps where they devour their energy, causing slow but certain death. Training a new team of Angel Killers, Alex and Willow's love grows stronger than ever – and success is almost within their grasp. But when Willow senses a terrifying shift in the angels' powers, Alex is forced to embark on a deadly solo mission. Now Willow is left to defeat the angels with Seb, and she has no idea if Alex is ever coming back... The final captivating book in the bestselling trilogy, Angel Fever is a powerful story of heartbreak, revenge and love.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

A fitting end to what has been an AWESOME series! With the amount of war going on and deaths it felt a bit like Harry Potter 7, with deaths left, right and center. I loved that the novel got a fitting ending, it was super amazing and it left no questions unanswered.

I just loved all three books, I can't wait to get myself the paperback of Angel Fever to sit alongside Angel and Angel Fire. I came to love these characters so much, especially Willow and Alex. I want to marry Alex!

I'm so pleased to see LA Weatherly is working on a new trilogy of books, not paranormal apparently, but nonetheless I'll be on tenterhooks waiting for it to come out in 2015 because LA Weatherly is such a fabulous writer, who managed to keep me entranced in this Angel trilogy for three massive, mega uber-books. I loved it.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 September, 2013: Reviewed