Grumpy Goat by Brett Helquist

Grumpy Goat

by Brett Helquist

Meet one Grumpy Goat. He's cranky, he's hungry, and he's never had a friend. He is making a terrible mess at Sunny Acres Farm, and the other animals just stay away. He knocks over the pigs' trough, kicks down the garden fence, and eats everything in his path. Until one special flower stops him in his tracks. And once Goat opens his eyes, his heart is soon to follow. See how stopping to smell the flowers really can change everything.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

I love the illustrations in this book and it is a great little story for teaching kids about how their attitude affects friendships. Sometimes when you are just starting to make friends in a new place it is easy to assume there is a problem with everyone else, but if you step back and see how you treat them things might change. That is the way that it is for this little grumpy goat once he takes time to put care into protecting and caring for a dandelion and makes friends in the process. It's cute and possibly a good seasonal read, but would really work well any time of the year. I think it is a great introduction to friendships for kiddos.

*Thanks to HC for providing an ARC for review.*


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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2012: Reviewed