No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (Rules of Scoundrels, #3)

by Sarah MacLean

A rogue ruined...He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London's corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he's dreamed of...absolution. A lady returned...Mara planned never to return to the world from which she'd run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple's exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows...that he is no killer.

Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

Oh, book. I'll be honest: I had to read No Good Duke Goes Unpunished twice to really get a handle on this romance and heroine. It's not that the heroine is bad or anything...

It's the secrets. I hate secrets. And I can handle secrets, but when I spend the majority of the book dying for the secrets, it's hard to focus on things like... why Temple is attracted to Mara. Which is why I wanted to read No Good Duke Goes Unpunished a second time, unencumbered by the secrets.

And it was definitely better the second time around. (Also, Sarah MacLean is about the only author I've reread this year. So worth it. I want to reread Cross and Pippa's story again.) I still don't know if Mara is my favorite heroine ever, but Temple.

Man, Temple. I'm glad he got his story. And it was nice to see the previous couples from the story and get the setup for the next book.

And... I'm itching to get my hands on the next story. Because holy crap, that epilogue. Is it August yet?

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  • Started reading
  • 21 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 December, 2013: Reviewed