Wrath of the Dragon King by Brandon Mull

Wrath of the Dragon King (Dragonwatch, #2)

by Brandon Mull

Dragons have declared war on humanity 

After a humiliating defeat at the hands of Kendra and Seth, Celebrant, King of Dragons, prepares to unleash his fury and take control of his native preserve. Two of the seven dragon sanctuaries have already fallen. Will Wyrmroost be next?

Armed with secret information from a new ally, Celebrant seeks a talisman that will guarantee victory in the war against the humans. With a cursed castle and traitorous creatures standing in the way, Kendra and Seth must attempt to foil Celebrant’s plan and beat him to his prize.

Will the two young caretakers rally enough support from the creatures of Wyrmroost to quell the uprising and protect the world from draconic dominion? One thing is certain—dragons are deadly foes, and one wrong move could bring swift defeat. It will take more than Kendra, Seth, and their current allies have ever given to endure the wrath of the Dragon King.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I really loved book two of Dragonwatch: Wrath of the Dragon King. The characters of Kendra and Seth have grown up so much and are faced with even more complex problems as the caretakers of Wyrmroost.It's been fun to see how they've grown into their powers and their roles as caretakers of a dragon sanctuary. They are up against such a formidable foe, Celebrant, King of Dragons. He is so powerful you wonder through the whole book how they will ever come out on top, considering Celebrant has declared war on humanity.

There are so many new and exciting things that Kendra and Seth receive to help them in their quest, but there's also so many challenges facing them; especially when they go to an old, spooky castle. This is one of those books that you'll want to read when you have a huge block of time because it's hard to put down. This book is a must read for all Fablehaven fans, but don't read this book until you've read the first book in the Dragonwatch series! These are great books for Middle Grade readers and would make a perfect Christmas gift!

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  • 25 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2018: Reviewed