Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Breaking Bat by Erin Johnson is another fabulously written book, and we are learning more about the shifter community than ever.

Will Jolene be able to figure out who killed Letty?

Jolene and company

Jolene Hartgrove and Officers Peter and Daisy Flint are back on with another case. Only this time, poor Daisy can't use her lie sniffing to help them out. See, Daisy has allergies, and they are pretty much active. Jolene comes in to help solve the case even though there was no animal present. A lot is going on for Jolene, Peter, and Daisy. The first two have to deal with no Daisy to help them out and figure out who is lying. Not only that, but Jolene is trying to figure out how to tell Peter the rest of her story as a shifter. Peter overall is doing a lot better than he did the last time we saw him. Jolene and Daisy are getting along better too. I love their banter that they have going on, as it is hilarious. 

What I like about Jolene and company is that they are getting better at listening and taking things in stride. Not only that, but that the three of them are each willing to listen to the others. Another thing that I like is that this case brings the three of them closer together despite it being a touchy subject.

The Mystery

The mystery is that a bride was found dead in her bridal suite with the main door into the room locked, and the only way in or out is a small window that was left open. We learn a lot about the shifter community and how it was before the Monster Wars happened. Along with how Ludlof came into power. It is a very informative book that leaves me with more questions about what is happening to Jolene. Not only that, but how the orphanage got started and how the shifters got their powers. I thought I had the right guy but talked myself out of it, and it was the right guy. So beware of the red herrings and don't get caught up in them.
Five Stars

Breaking Bat by Erin Johnson is a great book, and I love this series. I am enjoying learning about the shifter community in this series and how they are different than Sam. Oh, and Sam makes an appearance, sort of, in this one for the fans of Ms. Johnson's first series Spells and Caramels. It was an overall incredible story, and I love how Jolene is with both Peter and Daisy. I can't wait to read more from this series. I am giving it five stars and recommending it to anyone that wants to read it. 

Other Books in the Series

You will find links to my reviews of these books near the top next to the book cover of Breaking Bat.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Breaking Bat by Erin Johnson. 

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 29 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 May, 2020: Reviewed