Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

3 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars

A good continuation of Sky and Caleb's story. If you thought the drama was real in the last book, it reaches Jerry Springer levels in this one, but to me, that's part of the fun of reading these kinds of books. I thought this book was better than the last book, because I found the rivalry to be a little too over the top, and it is toned down quite a bit in this book. In fact, we find Sky mending fences, making friends, and trying to live in the moment. The real surprise here, is Caleb. He experiences a lot of growth and you can't help but feel something for the poor guy. An enjoyable addition tot he Rival family

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  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2015: Reviewed