Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

"What Happens in Vegas" is a very sexy book that got my heart (and maybe some other parts too) beating hard and fast. What I love about Taylor Brooks is that her books are
short, sweet, and HOT!

At the beginning, we meet Ryan and Darren. They've been a couple for awhile now. They're very happy together and very much in love. Celebrating Ryan's promotion at work,
they decide to hit Las Vegas. While there, they get quite drunk and wind up in a bar where they spend the evening with a handsome bartender named Michael. Well, one thing leads
to another, and the three of them end up having an extremely intense night of passion, and none of them have ever had an experience like that before.

After leaving Michael behind (sneaking away, by the way), Ryan and Darren return to their daily lives. Suddenly, they grow distant. Both feeling gulity about what
they did with Michael. They relationship begins to suffer because of it. Then, something happens to shake everything up, and the fun begins :-)

I loved these three characters. They were real men with real jobs and real lives. No billionaires. No fancy cars. No helicopter rides across the state. Just three men who
want to make their relationship work. These guys were loving and EXTREMELY sexy! The sex scenes in "What Happens in Vegas" are scorching. Nuclear, even. The hot flashes had
While reading had nothing to do with menopause, if you get my drift. HOwever, setting the sex aside, we get a very nice love story that will warm your heart as well as your
nether regions.

It's pretty rare that I find a book with a gay threesome, and that's a shame because I love them so much. It was actually Taylor Brooks that introduced me to the Man Love genre.
I didn't think that I would enjoy it at all, but I so happy to report that I was wrong. Now, I actively seek out MM, MMM, and MMF stories. There is just something about them
that speaks to me on a different level. I can't really explain it, but I'm grateful to Ms Brooks for bringing Man Love to my attention.

All in all, I highly recommend this book to all fans of MM fiction. It's not connected to any sort of series, so there's a whole story with no cliffhangers (thank goodness).

You'll fall in love with Ryan, Darren, and Michael just like I did.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 27 July, 2014: Reviewed