Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Beginning a book with no preconceived idea of what you are going to find inside is exciting. Nobody's Angel is a shining example of expecting the unexpected. This moving story highlights how one woman's mistakes has impacted on the lives of many people within the community of Willow Park.

Lucy Flint is back in her home town after an absence of nine long years. She left a trail of debris behind and is now back to pick-up the pieces and to make amends with the people she hurt. My first impressions of Lucy weren’t favorable but kept an open mind because as more details of her past are revealed, we begin to understand that there is far more at stake than her saying sorry.

Dr. Richard Hunter comes across as rather stiff and starchy, not surprising when his personal life is in such a mess. He's thankful to have his medical career exactly as he wants it. But scratch the surface and there is sensual, sexy man underneath who still carries a torch for the girl that left him all those years ago. He is torn by a conflict of issues as he wants to save his marriage that is in tatters because failure isn't a word in his vocabulary. Only he's still very much attracted to the adult version of the female that ripped out his heart.

The secondary characters play an integral part within the storyline and I have a particular soft spot for Donna Hunter. What a cool Mom she is! I especially enjoyed the banter between her and Richard along with his humorous thoughts:
Richard frowned. Had she been watching YouTube videos again? He must be the only son in the world who thought about restricting his mother's Internet access.
What I love most of all about Donna and also Josh, Richard's brother is the complete and utter understanding and compassion they show towards Lucy. They both have an ability to see beyond Lucy's destructive behavior and recognise there is a truly good person underneath who is desperately trying to fight her way out.

As a reader be prepared to have your emotions assaulted as you are torn between Lucy's need to atone for her past and sympathising with those that are struggling with their own daily problems.

This is a thought provoking story tackling a number of heavy duty topics. The author has carefully crafted complex characters who ignite a whole host of emotions whilst you read. You will laugh, cry, shout out in frustration and feel sorrow and sympathy as Lucy Flint's life to date is laid out for anyone to tear into and pull apart. I ended this book with tears in my eyes, emotionally spent and completely blown away by this incredibly powerful story. I'm now eagerly waiting for Josh's story.

5 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 26 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 February, 2015: Reviewed