The Fortunate Ones by R.S. Grey

The Fortunate Ones

by R.S. Grey

"At Twin Oaks Country Club, there are the fortunate ones, and then there are the rest of us: the waiters, the caddies, the valets, and in my case, the cabana girls. Most days, I'm poolside in a pleated skirt, dishing out margaritas to tycoons and titans. It's not exactly my dream job, but it does come with one perk ... James Ashwood."

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

R.S. Grey never let's me down! I fell in love with Brooke from the very beginning. She was witty and her observations and commentary were amusing. The conflict came via the May-December nature of their relationship. Brooke was 11 years James' junior, and was still looking to travel and see the world, while James was ready to settle down. These two, however, could not fight the chemistry forever, and once the flame caught, it burned brightly. The push and pull and will they, won't they started making me nuts at one point. I just wanted to give Brooke a good shake and tell her to open her eyes, but I knew Grey would give us a good conclusion, and she did.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 January, 2018: Reviewed