Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

4 of 5 stars

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book from the author and Book Sirens in exchange for a honest review. This review is entirely my own and is in no way affiliated with the author or publisher.

Let me start off by saying this is not your typical story. It is more of a telling of a person's life, similar to a diary or a journal, but told from a third person view instead.  It gave the book more of a personal feel to it - like a casual conversation with an old friend.

At first, the style of grammar and syntax used did slow me down a bit, and I expect it to do the same to other readers. I urge you to look passed it though and see the thought provoking messages hidden within the pages. The book basically hints at this as well (in it's own way) when God speaks to Remmy and says, "Look deeper..." 

On the note of looking deeper, I strongly encourage you to read the Author Notes at the end. Lancelot explains his choice of grammar throughout the story which heightened my fascination even more, particularly with the accurate definitions of  "because" and "cause' and how they are represented in the book. Bell Hammers is a "cause" story, not a "because" one, and maybe with that understanding more readers will be able to see what this book is really trying to say.

For those who shy away from references of religion, be aware that there is a lot of references of the Bible and "Lord", as well as various conversations with God throughout the book. I personally found this not only refreshing but also authentic to the time and location in which the story is told. The ending was one of the more important parts to the story that really tied it all together for me, and I'm glad the author decided to include it.

Overall, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have read this book.

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  • 2 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2020: Reviewed