Unofficial Guide To Crafting The World Of Harry Potter by Jamie Harrington

Unofficial Guide To Crafting The World Of Harry Potter

by Jamie Harrington

Make your home feel like Hogwarts with these creative Harry Potter-themed crafts, perfect for the whole family!

Charming crafts even Muggles can make!

You won't need alchemy or a magic wand to make these 30 magical projects inspired by the world of Harry Potter. With a little Hogwarts creativity and the step-by-step guidance of this spellbinding book, you'll be able to transfigurate simple supplies and things around the house into everything from Remembrall Rings to Butterbeer Lip Balm to Nargles for your front lawn.

You'll be as busy as Mrs. Weasley knitting her Christmas sweaters as you dive into dozens of Potterific projects. Relive the excitement of Harry's adventures with these genius crafts. Drop some homemade Pgymy Puff Bath Fizzies into the tub and pretend you're Moaning Myrtle. Keep memories of the Quidditch pitch close with your very own Golden Snitch Necklace. Or show off the Sorting Hat's selection with a House Colors Tie-Dye Shirt.

Accio, crafting supplies--it's time for some wonderful wizardly fun!

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

3 of 5 stars

After enjoying the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook, I was excited to see that my library also purchased this one! It’s full of cool little ideas for crafting, some hits and some misses…and others that I plan to tinker and change. Thankfully a lot of these are change friendly and the book even encourages those who want to expand on the ideas.

Crafts I Love:

House Color Tie-Dye Shirts
Golden Snitch Necklace
Spellbook Journals
Pencil Wands – I’ve actually made wands out of chopsticks, which is basically the same thing as this! It’s a ton of fun, I really recommend it!
Monster Book of Monsters Tablet Cover
House Color Sugar Scrubs
Marauder’s Map Mug – Not dishwasher safe though…
Lumos/Nox Light Switch Cover – I’ve made one of these!
Crafts I Plan to Change:

Lightning Scar Earrings – These rely on Shrinky Dinks, but instead of using lightning bolts I’d probably do something a bit more obviously Harry Potter like Dark Marks. Or maybe even Luna’s Radish earrings. Maybe even a few keychains!
Rememberall Ring – This is a bit bulky to be a ring, so I’d probably make it into a necklace or a bracelet charm.
Mandrake Root Pencil Holder – The little blurb at the end of this mentioned making a planter instead, and that is just perfect!
Dementor Soap – I can’t get behind putting fabric in my soap…what happens when I get to the middle of the soap in a shower, now I just have a dementor shaped piece of fabric. BUT I do think it’d be a cool idea for gifts for Potterhead kids if you put something else in there like little snakes, badgers, eagles or lions.
Chocolate Frog Coasters – I would add are more card like look to it and cover it with Mod-Podge to seal it in.
The Misses:

Sorcerer’s Stone Paperweight – I just don’t like how this one looks, at all. I can’t figure out a way to make it better either.
Pensive Dish – This was just sort of too vague of a craft to be ‘Harry Potter’ but it’s a cute idea for personalizing your desk or jewelry area.
Honeydukes Cookie Jar – This was sort of a simple idea that kind of seemed obvious.
Free Dobby Clothes Hamper – This is sort of ‘meh’ overall, and I think a Free Dobby (spare sock) board with some clothes pins to hold random spare socks would be cuter.
Nargles for the Yard
Overall I do really like this book and think it has some great ideas! I think there is a lot to work with in here and for all crafting levels, making it great for adults and kids as well! I didn’t list all the crafts above, just the ones that stood out to me in some way and there were a few that were pretty great but I didn’t want to overload the review with them. If you are a crafty Potterhead I really urge you to find a copy and check it out!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 21 April, 2017: Reviewed