Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

4 of 5 stars

After a puzzling phone call predicting a murder, Verity and gangster ghost buddy Frankie are hired on the sly by Julia Harper Youngblood to investigate who is leaving the Sugarland Heritage Society's mannequins in compromising positions at a Civil War era home for widows and children. When she later finds Julia dead, she's going to need the ghostly inhabitants to help her find a killer, and uncovers a very salacious history that no one expected.

Every time I read the newest book in the Southern Ghost Hunter series, I rave that it's the best book so far. So, it should come as no surprise to you when I say Sweet Tea and Spirits is the best one so far in this series! Virginia, the MIL you love to hate, offers up a few surprises and even gangster Frankie shows off an unexpected side. I loved the glimpse into Verity's family history, and I hope Ida will make an appearance at a later point. The exciting ending capped up a suspenseful plot that weaved a bit of saucy Southern history with spectral shenanigans into a thrilling adventure sprinkled with humor.

Overall, Sweet Tea & Spirits is an excellent addition to the Southern Ghost Hunter series and a must read for any paranormal mystery fan.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 September, 2017: Reviewed