Reviewed by Silvara on

3 of 5 stars

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I've been on a paranormal kick lately apparently. This one looked really promising. I love books with strong female characters, and I also like reading about police investigative stuff. And this book started out really good. It didn't stop being good, but it turned more into the guilty pleasure kind of good.

It reminds me a lot of the Anita Blake books in some ways. Only Sera doesn't have most of Anita's hang-ups. She does suffer from the super-heroine syndrome though. She was a good agent, and then she was attacked by a shape-shifter while on an under-cover op, when she took the attack instead of letting the guy rip the throat out of one of her men.

Cue suddenly gaining all these amazing powers. Like being able to shift forms within a day or two of being attacked, instead of not shifting until her first full moon. Then she can take on all 3 forms, and manages a few other feats of 'she shouldn't be able to do that!' type-stuff. I won't spoil it. But it's along the lines of if Anita had gotten most of the powers she gains during that series, in the first book instead of slowly a few at a time.

And she starts collecting men too. There's also a Vampire master of Chicago who becomes her friend, and an asshole of a werewolf pack leader. Oh, and sex. There are a few sex scenes in this book.

But for all that, I did enjoy reading this book and will be getting the next in the series. I like Sera and Tristan, Vlad and Harris and the rest. I want to see what happens next. If the Anita Blake books are a guilty pleasure for you, you'll want to try this book as well.

This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon

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  • 4 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 April, 2015: Reviewed