Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Trevor (Until, #2)

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Trevor Mayson had his life planned out-make the family business successful and play the field for a few more years before eventually settling down. Then he sees her. Liz Hayes was beautiful, shy, and everything that he could ever want...but she didn't fit into his plans. After Trevor painfully rejects her, Liz finally starts to move on, but Trevor finds it difficult to truly let her go. It seems the more he tries to stay away, the more intense his feelings for her become. Like a stretched rubber band, he can only take so much before snapping.

Liz Hayes is done waiting for Trevor and isn't interested in getting her heart broken by him again, but Trevor is making it difficult for her to forget him when he shoves his way back into her life.

Can Trevor prove to her that he is worth falling in love with again, and is he ready to change his life plan to let her into his heart?

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Ok, I finished this one in one sitting. Trevor is just like Asher in the way that I hated: domineering and dictatorial. I don't find the alpha-holes like that sexy at all. However, both have redeeming moments so over all, I liked them (I don't love them though). Liz was a good character as well. The plot is a little slow until the very end then everything happens all at once!

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  • Started reading
  • 19 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2015: Reviewed