Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars


I opted to read this book because of the author. I have read a few of her books before, which I enjoyed so I figured I would give this one a try. Susan Griscom has proven to be a versatile author. She has written a variety of genres, which she has managed to pull off quite well.

Anyone who follows my reviews knows I am a huge fan of the paranormal, mystery and suspense genre, and so, on discovering that WHISPER CAPE was a combination of these three had me doing the happy dance. WHISPER CAPE, which is the first book in the series is an exciting read which I could not get enough of. I loved the concept, which I thought was unique. I found the characters refreshing and relatable. The plot was exciting and suspenseful and the romance steamy.

The story began with the heroine, Addison MacKenna, having nightmares. These nightmares have been plaguing her since the death of her father. It's evident that she does not believe the stories that are being fed to her about his death. She is determined to find out the truth, as she believed that he was murdered. Cael Sheridan, a private investigator, returned to Whisper Cape to find his mentor's killer and to provide protection for his daughter. These two together were quite the treat. I enjoyed the characters and their interaction. Their actions were typical of two people who were afraid to admit how they felt about each other. A note of warning, their feelings for each other developed rather quickly.

The story started out slow and was that way for some time. I believe that this helped the story somewhat. I say this because for me the slow build up allowed me to get to know the characters quite well. Gradually the pace picked up to the point where I was on the edge of my seat. The danger intensified and secrets were revealed.

The storyline was riveting, mysterious and suspenseful. One of the things I love about mysteries is not being able to figure out who the villain is until I am near the end of the story. Well, this is exactly what occurred in WHISPER CAPE. I could not for the life of me figure who Eidolon was. There were a few likely suspects, which had me guessing at every page turn. Just when I thought I had it figured, the author throws in a twist that has me re-thinking my pool of suspects. Discovering who the villain was a complete shocker. Then there was that shocking twist at the end that made my jaw dropped.

The descriptions were vivid which allowed me to picture every detail. The fictional town of Whisper Cape came alive. The author made everything appear believable. If you never believed in magic after reading this book you just may change your mind. In this installment, we see how the quest for power can lead to destruction. The villain's motive was to gain control of the world by using his supernatural abilities along with those he had stolen.

Verdict: I enjoyed this story. Everything was neatly wrapped up. There were no unanswered questions and no cliffhangers. If you are looking for a unique read and need something new to sink your teeth in, then WHISPER CAPE would be a good place to begin.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2016: Reviewed