The Year We Learned to Fly by Jacqueline Woodson

The Year We Learned to Fly

by Jacqueline Woodson

Jacqueline Woodson and Rafael López's highly anticipated companion to their #1 New York Times bestseller The Day You Begin illuminates the power in each of us to face challenges with confidence.

On a dreary, stuck-inside kind of day, a brother and sister heed their grandmother’s advice: “Use those beautiful and brilliant minds of yours. Lift your arms, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and believe in a thing. Somebody somewhere at some point was just as bored you are now.” And before they know it, their imaginations lift them up and out of their boredom. Then, on...Read more

Reviewed by writehollydavis on

5 of 5 stars

Beautiful message for all ages!

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  • Started reading
  • 8 February, 2022: Finished reading
  • 8 February, 2022: Reviewed