Divine Misfortune by A Lee Martinez

Divine Misfortune

by A Lee Martinez

Like many people in this world, Phil and Terry are just looking for their personal slice of divine assistance. It's not their fault that they decide to settle on Lucky, a raccoon god of good fortune. At first, everything seems to be working fine. But they will soon learn that the world of divine powers is not to be entered into casually. Lucky, it seems, had a falling out with another ancient god long ago. And while Lucky has moved on with his life, the ancient twisted deity is still nursing a grudge. Add to this a scorned goddess...Read more

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

2 of 5 stars

Divine Misfortune by A. Lee Martinez is a twist on the fantasy genre. The premise is simple. Gods and Goddess still exist in the modern times and to have things go your way, you can be matched with a deity of your choice and through tributes you get what you want…to a point. The story revolves around Teri and Phil and their decision to breakdown and be matched. The god they choose, Luka, is a mix between a college frat dude and a Jimmy Buffett fan–he’s always up to something and is very laid back, happy-go-lucky.

I liked Teri and Phil. They weren’t flashy folks and they just wanted something to go right for once. I felt for them as they struggled with the decision to join the worshipping bandwagon and all the awful things that happen once they made that choice. There is karma in the world and it seems like Teri and Phil are always on the wrong side of it! I often feel that way myself. Perhaps that’s why I identified with them so strongly!

The plot is a little simplistic and a tad predictable. However, sometimes I need a book that doesn’t make me think too much which I needed when I grabbed Divine Misfortune off my bookshelf. So if you are looking for a quick, lighter, not-so-serious fantasy read, check out Divine Misfortune which gets a thumbs up from Second Run Reviews.

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  • 14 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2014: Reviewed